A New, More Inclusive Way to Partner with SJPLA

When we decided to change our name and become Social Justice Partners LA, we were aligning our name with our values and practices. We spent the past five years examining every aspect of our work to ensure that our work is centered in justice versus the more traditional charity framing. However, we needed to take one final step before becoming SJPLA: Make our Partnership model more inclusive and reflective of who we are.

SVPLA Partners are the donor volunteers who seeded the organization. Over the last 18 years have provided financial support for programming and grants, pro-bono coaching, and a wealth of relationships and connections. Partnering with SVPLA initially required a $5,000 minimum annual contribution, which we reduced to $2,500 several years ago. 

As we evolved as an organization, our relationship to Partnership evolved. We moved towards an approach of building a community of mutual connection and collective learning. We centered all we do in our commitment to racial and social justice, and it became clear that it was time to remove the financial barriers to becoming an SJPLA Partner.

The Process

We have continually reflected on and evolved the meaning of Partnership; in the same way, we continuously iterate on the structure of our programs and workplace culture in the context of striving to align with our values. We consider ourselves lifelong learners as individuals and as an organization, so we will forever be evolving our approaches as we learn and grow. 

In 2020, we began to examine the possibility of eliminating the giving floor for people who wanted to be SJP Partners. We gathered a committee of Partners to dig into the idea of SJPLA Partnership, their relationship to the organization, and the community we envision.

The committee reflected on the heart of what it means to be a Partner in the context of our mission of advancing racial and social justice. We talked a lot about solidarity, what that looks like, and what we call on our Partners to do in community. While we wanted to make an inclusive community free of financial barriers to inclusion, we struggled with how that might affect our ability to continue delivering the same level of support to our partner organizations.

After many discussions and a vote of our Board and Partners, we now invite our community to contribute a personally significant amount when they become or renew as Partners. This approach enables us to continue to grow the resources we move to frontline social justice work while building a more inclusive and values-aligned Partner community. We value the many ways our Partners shift and share power in the SJP community, and we recognize their financial gifts are one of many ways they do that. 

SJPLA’s New Partner Model

After examining the meaning of SJPLA partnership, we have clarified the commitments Partners make as part of this community.

Commitment to our Values

SJPLA Partners commit to our values both in their interactions within our community and out in their worlds.

  • We value human connections and our interconnectedness.

  • We invest in addressing root causes of racial, economic, and social injustice in Los Angeles.

  • We root our learning and actions in the wisdom of people most impacted by systemic injustice.

  • We acknowledge, shift, and share power.

Collective Learning through Connection

SJPLA Partners show up curious and ready to learn from each other and the broader SJPLA community. We root our learning and actions in the wisdom of people most impacted by systemic injustice as we do the work of personal and systemic change. We encourage Partners to participate in our programs, meet our cohorts, and join our anti-racism courses to grow in community and evolve ourselves to consistently practice anti-racism and center justice.

Our community strives to be one where every partner feels a sense of belonging and shared purpose. We come as our authentic selves and create genuine connections when we learn from each other, wrestle with truths, and practice difficult conversations.

Collective Doing

We learn about and take action for meaningful solutions to systemic problems. Partners draw on their learning by redistributing wealth as part of grant committees and participating in our program application processes. They also support systems change initiatives by lending their professional expertise as coaches and leaders in the sector, and connecting initiative leaders to their networks, amplifying their missions and work.

Partners also invest financially, and the resources support our grantmaking and program costs. We believe financial contributions are one way to shift resources and power to those most impacted by racial, social, and economic injustice. Partners contribute a personally significant amount to power our work on a monthly or annual basis. Our Partners feel the impact of a personally significant contribution in their lives and wallets, reflecting the impact they want to create in the community.

Curious about Partnering with SJPLA?

Sign up today if you’re ready to join the SJPLA community: If you have more questions or would like to learn more, reach out to Sharon at sstratton@sjpla.org.


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