Anti-Racism Work in 2025: Moving Forward with Purpose

The past months have surfaced emotions many of us have long carried in our relationship with this country – disappointment, anger, fear, and a renewed sense of responsibility. These feelings remind us that the work of dismantling racism isn't tied to any single moment or election cycle – it's a constant reality requiring sustained commitment and action.

History shows us that periods of significant awakenings have often sparked the most powerful movements for lasting change. As white people, we have a unique responsibility and opportunity in this moment to resist racism within our own communities. 

Here are five invitations to deepen our anti-racism practice in this moment:

  1. Return to Our "Why"
    The current climate of overt and systemic racism isn't new – it's a continuation of our country's long history. These moments can feel daunting, but we can remind ourselves to reconnect with our fundamental commitment to racial justice. What first called you to this work? Why does it matter to you now? Let those answers guide your next steps.

  2. Strengthen Our Communities of Support
    This work is so much stronger in community. Find or build spaces where you can process and learn with others committed to anti-racism. These communities sustain us through challenging times and hold us accountable to turning our intentions into meaningful action.

  3. Focus on Our Spheres of Influence
    While national headlines can feel overwhelming, our greatest impact often lies in the spaces we have the most influence– our workplaces, schools, friends, and family. Look for opportunities to challenge white supremacy culture in these spaces.

  4. Deepen Our Learning
    We can strengthen our understanding of how racism operates at all levels – internalized, interpersonal, institutional, and systemic. The better we understand these systems, the more effectively we can work to dismantle them.

  5. Take Concrete Action
    Choose specific actions that align with your position and power. This might mean:

    • Reviewing your organization's policies through an anti-racist lens

    • Directing your personal budget to support BIPOC-owned businesses and organizations

    • Engaging in local policy advocacy

    • Having difficult conversations with other white people in your life

The election results have again made incredibly clear: the work of dismantling racism in America remains urgent and essential. As white people, we have a crucial role to play in challenging white supremacy within our own communities. Progress comes from persistent, imperfect action toward transformation. Every day, we can choose courage, community, and sustained action. These choices accumulate and create real, lasting change.

If you're looking to deepen your commitment to anti-racism work in community with others, we invite you to join our next Anti-Racism for White People cohort, beginning this January. Over six months, we'll work together to build the knowledge, skills, and relationships needed for effective, long-term anti-racist practice. Through intimate learning pods and intentional facilitation, you'll gain practical tools for resistance while joining a supportive community dedicated to sustained action.

This moment is an opportunity to demonstrate, through our daily choices and commitments, the world we're working to create.


The Next Chapter: From Fast Pitch to Story of Us LA


Grief, Care, and Collective Power