Journey to Justice
In 2004, the Los Angeles affiliate of Social Venture Partners International was born. SVP employed a “venture philanthropy” model, where Partners invest money, time, and energy in local nonprofits. Over the years, many SVPs have evolved from this original model, including SVP Los Angeles.
In 2016, the SVPLA community began a new chapter. We believed we could play a critical role in the Los Angeles social justice ecosystem, and we set an intention to transform our work and our organization. As we joined this work, we began to question some core elements of the venture philanthropy model. We shifted to a model of mutual learning, a culture that centers relationships and lived experience, and a philosophy of redistribution of wealth and power.
We examined every aspect of our work through deep self-reflection, worked to cultivate a liberatory workplace for our team, and transformed our programs to focus on shifting systems and culture. Ultimately, we worked to model how philanthropy and nonprofits could embody the values of justice rather than those of charity.
Competition ➡ Collaboration
Individualism ➡ Collectivism
Philanthropist as Expert ➡ Prioritize Lived Experience
Donors Guide Us ➡ Justice Guides Us
Growth through Criticism ➡ Growth through Appreciation
Unaware of Power Dynamics ➡ Shifting & Sharing Power
Nonprofits as Businesses ➡ Budget as a Moral Document
Invest in Innovation ➡ Invest in Systems Transformation
Productivity is Key ➡ Relationships are Key
In November of 2021, we changed our name from Social Venture Partners LA to Social Justice Partners LA to reflect our mission, values, and actions.
Social Justice Partners LA is focused on developing our dedicated community and delivering equitable grantmaking and programs. We have a strong community of Partners, 200+ nonprofit alums, and strong ties with the foundation community. We are equipped to lead a shift across the philanthropic and nonprofit landscape by supporting the community in redistributing wealth and power in service of racial and social justice.