Opportunities to connect, learn, and contribute

Fast Pitch 2024
Join us for an afternoon of connection at Fast Pitch 2024! Witness the nonprofit leaders of the Systems Change Fellowship as they share their visions for a better community. Fast Pitch is your gateway to the heart of LA's systems change initiatives.

2023 Fast Pitch
Join us as the Systems Change Accelerator leaders share their powerful stories and their collective vision of Los Angeles with you and our audience in a celebration of their work.

Fast Pitch Coaching
Join us for this community learning call to launch us into Fast Pitch season - we’ll be sharing our Fast Pitch framework, SJPLA’s coaching philosophy, and inviting you to reflect on the stories in your life that have shaped you.

2022 Accelerator Funder Mixer
Join us for a late morning mixer - meet the cohort members in person, and connect with other SJP Partners and funders.