Anti-Racism for the Workplace Customized Offerings

Anti-Racism for the Workplace builds a workplace of people learning how to recognize and counter racism in ourselves and the world around us. We offer a safe and supportive community where participants learn to identify and confront white supremacist norms.

Topics covered include understanding white supremacy's impact on identity and behavior, effectively engaging in difficult conversations about racism, dismantling white supremacist culture in the workplace, and crafting strategies for institutional and systemic anti-racism.

Typical Structure

Workplace and group offerings are customized based on your needs. Below are typical setups.


Anti-Racism for the Workplace

4x90 minute sessions

For a diverse group of employees

Multiple facilitators


Anti-Racism for White People in the Workplace

4x90 minute sessions

For white employees

One facilitator





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Interested in bringing Anti-Racism for the Workplace to your team or group?

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Fast Pitch Customized Training


Anti-Racism for White People Live Cohort