Meet SJPLA’s Community Engagement Coordinator, Michelle Dominguez


So excited to have you on board Michelle! How do you like to celebrate or honor new beginnings?

I’m big on finding any reason to celebrate, such as friendaversaries and dog birthdays! My celebrations typically involve a vegan chocolate dessert with a candle to blow out. Maybe take a trip or go to dinner. To honor my new beginning with SVPLA, I’m vacationing in the Mojave desert, Marie Kondo-ing my home, and preparing my office space. Oh, and visiting DISNEYLAND, of course!

One of our shared values is connectedness. What are the ways you maintain and build connectedness with the people in your life?

Part of maintaining my connectedness to humans is educating myself on and advocating for social justice issues in my neighborhood. I stay connected with my loved ones through regular contact, whether that’s my bi-weekly phone call with my acccountabili-buddy, my monthly board games video call with my neighbors, or my daily facetime with my parents. While I do have social media profiles, I am very rarely on it. My friends know to call or message me directly instead!

Who has been influential in shaping your values?

My ancestors shaped my values without me knowing it. One of my ancestors, Sofonías Yacup, was a Colombian politician who advocated for Black communities on the Pacific Coast and his hometown of Guapi. When my father told me about him, we felt my justice values came from him. My maternal grandmother, Soledad Torres, passed on her values to me too. I won’t know most of my ancestors’ names or stories, but my existence speaks to their resilience. My teachers at Grover Cleveland Humanities Magnet also influenced my values by educating me about racism, ethnocentrism, and social justice.

Your mission is to create spaces where everyone feels like they belong. What’s possible in an LA look where everyone feels like they belong?

Wow, I believe if everyone felt like they belonged, we could fulfill our vision of an equitable and just Los Angeles. More love, less violence. More empathy, less disconnectedness. More dignity, less poverty, exploitation, and homelessness. More focus on people, not things. More joy and abundance. A Los Angeles where not only our basic needs are met to survive, but we thrive, together.

Finding moments of rest and joy has never been more important. What’s bringing you joy, and how are you taking care of yourself?

My joy starts with my morning routine, where I meditate, read, journal, state affirmations and gratitude, eat breakfast, and walk. Every Saturday morning is dedicated to my recovery. I’ve set healthy boundaries with my phone so I can focus on what really matters — quality time with my loved ones. I enjoyed a phone-free sabbatical so much, I hope to have one every Sunday! My joy comes from making memories with my family and friends, reading and fostering personal growth, being civically engaged in my community, and again…DISNEYLAND!


Investing in the Care and Retention of Workers in the Homeless Response Sector


Pausing as Productivity - SJPLA’s Quiet Time