SVPLA's Virtual Fast Pitch - Tickets Available Now!
We’re thrilled to announce the (re)launch of our 2020 Fast Pitch - now a virtual event on Thursday, August 6th at 3pm!
This year’s ten presenting organizations work at the forefront of the intersectional movements for racial, economic, and social justice, tackling mass incarceration, the environment and food sourcing, city planning & urban mobility, immigration, and housing & homelessness. Reflecting the collective spirit of this group of visionary justice leaders, our theme is “Liberating Our Future.”
Our struggles for liberation are deeply interconnected, and we look to local leaders who have been reimagining these systems towards a just and loving future for all Angelenos, in this moment and beyond. These ten leaders call on each of us to be a part of that work. It's going to take each of us for all of us to live in a just, free future.
Please join us to uplift these 10 local leaders:
Alliance for Community Transit-LA (ACT-LA) | Laura Raymond, Executive Director
The Anti Recidivism Coalition (ARC) | Sam Lewis, Executive Director
CicLAvia | Tafarai Bayne, Chief Strategist
Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB) | Brian Kaneda, L.A. Coordinator
Freedom for Immigrants | Christina Fialho, Co-Executive Director
Initiate Justice | Taina Vargas-Edmond, Executive Director
LA Compost | Michael Martinez, Executive Director
LA Forward | David Levitus, Executive Director
Los Angeles Room & Board | Sam Prater, Executive Director
Los Angeles Walks | John Yi, Executive Director
The evening’s program will include a special musical guest (announcement coming soon!), 10 inspiring pitches, and break-out rooms for you to meet and dive into conversation with our ten presenters following their pitch presentations.
Fast Pitch is a call to each of us to find our role in this moment of reimagining. What is the gift that you can offer these movements?
We will send webinar details to ticket holders prior to the event. We hope to see you on Thursday, August 6th!
Thank you to our sponsors
Annenberg Foundation ● Conrad N. Hilton Foundation ● WHH Foundation ● Leonetti/O’Connell Family Foundation ● California Community Foundation ● The SAM Initiative ● The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation ● Cross Campus ● Pledgeling ● Brightmind
We recognize that you purchased a ticket to an in-person event (originally scheduled for March 25th at The Wiltern), complete with all the bells and whistles that come with that experience. Our intention is to create an experience in this virtual Fast Pitch that is just as profound in this new medium.
As a small nonprofit, your ticket purchase provides critical support to SVPLA as we invest in, amplify the voices of, and shift power to systems change leaders most impacted by systemic injustice. Thank you for investing in our work and this event.
We look forward to seeing you on August 6th! If you are unable to join us, we will share the pitches after the event, or you are welcome to transfer your ticket to a friend.
If you would like a refund or transfer your ticket to a friend, please send an email to