Montgomery Learning Tour

Fundamentally alter your understanding of racial history and how it affects your workplace, community, and personal life

Join us for a profound journey through history and join us for a learning tour of Montgomery, Alabama, the birthplace of the Civil Rights Movement, to explore the roots of racism in America and reflect on its enduring impact.


Course Description

Our Montgomery Learning Tour, designed and led by Executive Director Christine Margiotta and Healing Justice & Wellbeing Manager Alli Simon, is a tailored itinerary offering participants an in-depth look into America's racial past. This is an educational pilgrimage that promises to be a powerful catalyst for change and understanding.

This unique learning journey takes you to poignant historical sites, including the Legacy Museum, the National Memorial for Peace & Justice, the Mothers of Gynecology Monument, Lowdnes County Interpretive Center, and the historic Edmund Pettus Bridge. These visits, spaced with reflective discussions facilitated by our team, will inspire a deeper understanding of the systemic injustices persisting today.

Each tour, lasting between 2-4 days and priced at around $30,000 depending on your custom itinerary, includes logistical support from 2-3 SJPLA team members. Please note, participants cover their travel and lodging costs, while SJPLA takes care of its team’s expenses and ground transportation.


Traveling on the Montgomery Learning Tour is a commitment to personal growth, empathy, and understanding. Our past attendees have emerged with a renewed sense of clarity, ready to explore the impact of America’s racial history in their workplaces and communities. They found the experience enabled them to view their surroundings through a new lens of understanding and awareness.

By understanding our past, we can actively work towards building justice in our worlds.

Sample Itinerary

Day 1

Opening Dinner & Discussion

Day 2

The Legacy Museum

Lunch discussion

National Memorial for Peace & Justice

EJI Presentation

Day 3

Breakfast Discussion

Mothers of Gynecology Monument

Lowdnes County Interpretive Center

Selma Driving Tour

Walk the Edmund Pettus Bridge

Closing Dinner Discussion


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Interested in organizing a Learning Tour of Montgomery for your team or group?

Contact us today.


Liberatory Workplaces Customized Training


Healing Justice and Community Care in the Workplace