SVPLA Launches the Inaugural Racial Equity Fellowship!
Aiming to create systemic change within the homelessness response sector by transforming the workforce and culture.
About the Fellowship
The Racial Equity Fellowship is a 9-month, cohort-based experience for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) leaders in the Homeless Response Sector across Los Angeles. Designed for iterative implementation and expansive learning, Racial Equity Fellows will spend time building relationships with each other, connecting to larger questions around racial equity and homelessness, and creating a framework for centering equity and inclusion within the workplace.
This fellowship is best suited for those currently in mid-level management positions.
We know that BIPOC individuals have inherent leadership capabilities and skills and it is our deepest hope that at the end of this fellowship they will be positioned to assume executive leadership roles across the sector.
(Re)Watch Information Session
Kelli Poole, SVPLA’s Director of the Racial Equity in Homelessness Initiative, hosted information sessions about the fellowship on January 27th and February 10th. You can watch a recording and view the slides from those presentations.
Applications are being accepted for our inaugural cohort of 16 Fellows through March 5, 2021 at 8pm Pacific.
If you have additional questions, please contact us at Visit our fellowship page at to apply!