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Building Ojas: An Ayurvedic Approach to Wellbeing with Nicole Taylor

Nicole Taylor headshot with Building Ojas: An Ayurvedic Approach to Wellbeing

Join Ayurvedic Health Counselor Nicole Taylor for an interactive session on cultivating well-being the Ayurvedic way. You’ll learn about ojas--the vital sap that keeps our immunity and equanimity intact. You’ll leave with practical ways to refill your inner well of vitality so that you can do your healing and social justice work in a sustainable way.

Ayurveda means “the science and life.” This healing modality arose from the Vedic tradition of India thousands of years ago and is still supporting the health and well-being of its practitioners across the globe today.

Nicole Taylor is dedicated to supporting individuals in their personal transformation and spiritual growth. Using a blend of somatic awareness coaching, meditation instruction, and Ayurvedic health counseling, she facilitates transformative offerings on self-care. She wrote the book A Joyful Pause: 52 Ways to Love Life to help people fill their lives with more connection and bring more of their whole self forward every day.

She has facilitated individual and organizational trainings since 2008, including for social change organizations such as the Shift Network, Foundation for Conscious Living, Fairmount Park Conservancy, Mural Arts Foundation, Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless, Barnes Foundation, and Billions Institute.

Nicole is a Big Leap Coach, a NAMA-certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor, a Certified Vishoka Meditation Teacher, and a 500-hour certified yoga teacher. It is her life’s work to use these sciences to help people access deeper levels of well-being at home and at work.

SJPLA’s Wellbeing Series is a free workshop every third Thursday of the month at 11 am as part of our Racial Equity in Homelessness Initiative. These sessions promote personal rest, renewal, and connection creating space for discussion on how to sustain wellbeing practices.

June 16

Reconnect: An Ancient Tool for Modern Living and Connection with Natalie Patterson

August 22

Healing Justice for Ourselves, our Communities, and our Workspaces - Summer Session