The Latest
Rewriting Bylaws for Liberatory Governance
How SJPLA's New Bylaws Aligned its Governance with its Evolving Mission and Values
Liberatory Coaching: Reflections from our Fast Pitch Coaches
Each year, our Fast Pitch coaches act as key partners in amplifying the stories of our Accelerator leaders and embodying the values we wish to see in the world. Recently, we held a reflection session with our Fast Pitch coaches to build community and explore coaching norms to consider ways to take a more liberatory approach.
Meet our 2023 Fast Pitch Coaches
Eighteen SJPLA community members will serve this year as Fast Pitch coaches for our nine speakers.
Anti-Racist Commitments for 2023
Every year, we ask our Anti-Racism for White People cohort to reflect on what they've learned and share their commitments for anti-racist action in the coming year.
6 Ways We Prepare for Quiet Time
Quiet Time sounds simple enough, but the goal of Quiet Time is that it creates individual and collective renewal and doesn’t cause additional stress. We’ve learned some lessons about how to prepare for Quiet Time individually and as a team.
Philanthropy Rooted in Community: LA2050
This was our third year participating as the LA2050 evaluation partner. We feel so grateful for the trust and partnership of the LA2050 team in enabling us to flex our community-centered grantmaking muscles for this process.
Summer Quiet Time 2022
Twice a year, our team slows down and turns off external meetings so we can create space for what we need as we continue this work.
The 19 Leaders Poised to Change LA’s Homeless Services Sector
SJPLA is proud to introduce you to our second REI Fellowship cohort, 19 up-and-coming leaders preparing to solve homelessness with solutions grounded in racial justice.
Meet the 2022-23 Systems Change Accelerator Cohort
We can't believe the Systems Change Accelerator is in its fifth cohort already and we're so excited to introduce you to this incredible group of leaders and the innovative work they bring to LA.
Celebrating the 2021-22 Accelerator Cohort
The 2021-22 Systems Change Accelerator came to a close last week with an in-person lunch to celebrate these incredible leaders and the SJPLA community who supported their journey.
Meet SJPLA’s Administrative Coordinator Anh Le
“My #1 love language is quality time so I love nothing more than to just sit and chat with people.“
2022 Fast Pitch Recap
On March 30th, 2022, the Fast Pitch audience met these 10 powerful leaders as they presented their three-minute pitches painting the story of their work and the LA they’re building.
Applications for SJPLA’s 2022-23 Programs are Now Open
We are so excited to open applications for two of our flagship programs, the Systems Change Accelerator and the Racial Equity in Homelessness Fellowship. These programs are both nine-month journeys for leaders advancing racial and social justice in Los Angeles.
2021 Impact Report
We hoped that 2021 would be the year of recovery, the year we began to rebuild and reimagine Los Angeles with lessons learned from a season of racial reckoning, the pandemic, and all the truths it laid bare. But, instead, it quickly became clear that our recovery must integrate an ongoing pandemic as we continue to process loss, suffering, and uncertainties.
Job Opening: Administrative Coordinator
We are seeking a full-time Administrative Coordinator to work closely with our Manager of Sustainable Operations in supporting our whole team to coordinate events, meetings, and trainings and manage organizational and program data.
Meet our 2022 Fast Pitch Coaches
The Fast Pitch event is part of our nine-month journey with our Systems Change Accelerator cohort. With the support of their coaches, each leader in the cohort crafts a three-minute story and an invitation for the audience to join them in realizing their vision.
A New, More Inclusive Way to Partner with SJPLA
We spent the past five years examining every aspect of our work to ensure that our work is centered in justice versus the more traditional charity framing. However, we needed to take one final step before becoming SJPLA: Make our Partnership model more inclusive and reflective of who we are.
The Supporting Frontline Workers Fund Grants $2.5M to LA’s Strained Homeless Sector Workforce
Thanks to funding from Cedars-Sinai and United Way of Greater LA, we’re proud to announce $2.5M in funds for 53 organizations. These funds will provide cash stipends between $500-$1,500 to over 3,000 homeless sector frontline workers in the coming months.
Open House
We were so touched to welcome over 200 of you to our Open House. We’re so excited to start our next chapter as Social Justice Partners LA with you.
Becoming Social Justice Partners LA
On November 4th, we’re taking a huge leap into the next chapter of our organization, capturing our values, work, and intentions in our new name: Social Justice Partners LA.